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Admissions & School Tours

Every September, we look forward to welcoming 60 children into our Year R classrooms.  Choosing a school for your child is an important decision, which is why we strongly encourage all families to visit schools before making an application.  Find out more about School Tours for Reception starters using the link to the right.

We are a Community School and Kent County Council act as our admissions' authority. Details of their Admissions Policy may be found on their Website. Further information may also be found in the school's Admissions Policy on the Policies page of this site.

As a popular, over-subscribed school, we hold a waiting list for 'In Year Admission'.  If you have moved into the area and have a school-aged child for whom you wish to apply for a place, please use the link below.  We will contact you to invite you for a tour of the school if a place becomes available.  

The total number of children which can be accommodated at Sussex Road School is 420. The classes can vary in size of the year group, but we endeavour to have a maximum of 30 children per class. Where classes exceed this number it is under direction of the Local Authority and based on the outcome of appeals heard by an independent panel. The admissions process for each new Reception intake usually starts each November is completed by Kent County Council. 


Get in touch

Sussex Road Community Primary School
Sussex Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 2TP

01732 352367