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About Us


"Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all practitioners should make sure their approach is child-centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child." 

Keeping Children Safe in Education, (2024)

Sussex Road Primary School has three Designated Safeguarding Leaders. They work together to ensure the environment, the curriculum and school procedures keep children safe. All staff are trained to report any concerns they may have about children's welfare in and out of school. All concerns are documented and monitored by the DSLs who communicate concerns to outside agencies if necessary. DSLs can be contacted using our school Contact Form. The DSLs are:

  • Mrs Miles - Headteacher
  • Mrs Birkett - Deputy Headteacher
  • Ms Flaherty - Assistant Headteacher

Safeguarding Policies

These policies are reviewed at least annually and updated throughout the year in line with guidance published by Central and Local Government. The school also follows the guidance as laid down in the Government document Keeping Children Safe in Education.

Please follow the link below to our policies page where for the most recently ratified versions of the policies.

What will Designated Safeguarding Leaders do if they have a concern about a child's welfare?

DSLs will always contact the parents of the child in the first instance, unless a child may be at ris of significant harm. Good lines of communication between home and school are very important and often provide greater understanding of a situation. If it is felt by both parties that a child or family would benefit from some support, the school will arrange for a District Conversation; this is where anonymous information is shared with a range of agencies. If it is agreed that support is necessary, details of the child are then shared and an Early Help Worker will contact the family. If more intensive support is required, the school can make a referral to the Front Door. In extremely rare cases when the school feels sharing concerns with a parent could put a child at risk, a referral to Children's Social Services would be made without notifying parents. All adults in school work together to build comprehensive chronologies of concerns about pupils; CPOMS is used at Sussex Road - a secure online recording system. See the video below to find out more.

What should a member of the public do if they have concerns about a child's welfare outside of school?

If a parent or a member of the public has concerns about a child's welfare or safety, it is important this information is shared using the following contact: Children's Social Care 03000 41 11 11.

How can I keep my child safe when they are using the Internet at home?

The only way to ensure your child is completely safe when using the Internet is to sit with your child and use the Internet together. We have a dedicated section on our website for Online Safety; there are resources for parents and children.



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Get in touch

Sussex Road Community Primary School
Sussex Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 2TP

01732 352367