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Sussex Road School is funded from public money and is bound by the Local Authority's requirements on financial controls and monitoring. The School's Governing Board operates within the Scheme for Financing Schools.  The governing board have a Finance Monitoring Team who access full and regular financial monitoring.  The Local Authority receives quarterly financial monitoring and approved the school's budgets annually.

The Local Authority Schools Financial Services team periodically carries out Compliance Visits at the school to check it is maintaining accurate records and adhering to the financial controls.

All schools also come within the Internal Audit regime determined by Kent County Council and may be subject to a visit as part of the Internal Audit programme. They will also check the school is maintaining accurate records and adhering to the financial controls.

The School's Finance Policy and Procedure is reviewed annually may be found on the Policy Page of this website.  No Sussex Road School employee has a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.

The School's Finance monitoring governors regularly compare pupil outcomes, income and expenditure against other similar schools in England and analyse differences.  Their finding are reported to the full Governing Board. This process is called Benchmarking.  The financial data for all Local Authority School's is in the public domain and may be found using the following link



Get in touch

Sussex Road Community Primary School
Sussex Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 2TP

01732 352367