Special Educational Needs/Disabilities
Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator/Inclusion Leader: Ms Amanda Flaherty
Our SENCo can be contacted via the School Office: 01732 352367
At Sussex Road Primary School, we have high expectations for every child regardless of their starting point, background or special educational need. We treat all children with special educational needs as individuals and ensure our curriculum supports them in making good progress in their learning.
Our SEN/D Register is inline with the thresholds within the 2014 SEN Code of Practice.
Sussex Road Primary School has an Inclusion Leader whose role it is to ensure provision is effective for vulnerable children with SEN, EAL (English as an Additional Language) and LAC (Looked After Children). The Inclusion Leader works closely with the SEN Assistant to continually monitor, review and refine practice and intervention.
Sussex Road Primary School SEND Profile |
SEN/D with support |
High Needs Funding |
Educational Healthcare Plan |
Total SEN/D |
Number of Children |
62 |
8 |
5 |
67 |
Percentage of Children |
15% |
2% |
1% |
16% |
Local Authority Offer
The Local Authority's offer is published on: https://www.kent.gov.uk/education-and-children/special-educational-need
Supporting children with SEN/D at Sussex Road Primary School
To support our children effectively, we believe it is critical to have a strong relationship with families, ensuring the views of parents and their children are listened to. Children who access additional support are recorded on class Provision Maps. The additional provision is discussed with parents and recorded on Parent Consultation Records. Our Inclusion Leader monitors and accesses the impact of our intervention programmes, continually reviewing their effectiveness and viability. Parents of children with SEN/D are regularly invited to meet with our Inclusion Leader to review the progress their child is making.
Where appropriate Individual Support Plans are used to outline targets linked to improving learning behaviours; ISPs structure frequent and regular meetings between our children and families.
Quality First Teaching
All pupils access high quality teaching and learning at Sussex Road Primary School. Every learning opportunity at school is skilfully differentiated to ensure all pupils, especially those with SEN/D, can access their learning. Senior Leaders monitor the quality of teaching and learning regularly, providing feedback to all teaching staff so they are continually developing their practice. Class Teachers and Teaching Assistants meet with Senior Leaders every term to discuss the progress and attainment of every pupil. Barriers to learning and high levels of well-being are discussed and, where possible, additional intervention is allocated and deployed. This includes highlighting possible professional development of staff in school.
We are proactive in providing additional support from professional outside of school as any time lost in referral processes can be detrimental to learning.
Mainstream Core Standards
The Mainstream Core Standards are developed by the Local Authority and detail what constitutes best practice for all children, not just those with SEN/D. Our Inclusion Leader ensures they are met in all classrooms for all pupils. In cases where the MCSs are not allowing a child to access their learning, the Inclusion Leader may make a LIFT Referral. The Local Inclusion Forum Team work together, with the school, to provide additional support. This may result in an Educational Psychologist making an assessment or a Speech and Language Therapist supporting to develop skills.
Professional Development
Continually developing the practice of all staff in school is instrumental in providing quality first teaching. Although we have a vast range of skills that are shared within school, we also draw on the support from the Specialist Teaching Service. All staff have training in: Autism, Speech and Language and De-escalation Strategies. When children have more specific needs, the professionals working around that child have personalised training.
Support for Parents
If parents have concerns about the progress their child is making or potential additional needs, the first line of contact is your child's Class Teacher. Should concerns remain, parents are very welcome to contact Ms Flaherty at any point in the school year to arrange a time to meet to discuss your concerns. There is also a wealth of information on the IASK website: https://www.iask.org.uk/