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Sports Premium

"Schools have a central role to play in supporting all children and young people to live healthy active lives.  Crucial to achieving this is ensuring that pupils have access to at least 30 minutes of physical activity during the school day, alongside high-quality PE provision taught by confident and knowledgeable teachers and opportunities to experience and participate in a wide range of sports and physical activities. PE and sport premium grant funding should be used by schools towards these aims."                                              DFE, 2022


At Sussex Road Primary School, we use Sports Premium to support our tiered approach to physical activity provision.   

Tier Provision



High Quality Physical Education


Forest School



Extra Curricular Activities

Competitive Sport Opportunities


Broader Experiences

 To find out more about how the sports premium grant has been allocated at Sussex Road, use the links below:


Get in touch

Sussex Road Community Primary School
Sussex Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 2TP

01732 352367