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Parent Volunteers

Our children benefit enormously from the time that parent volunteers give to the school community.  Many of the experiences we provide rely on the goodwill of parents supporting us.  If you are interested in offering your support, read about the opportunities we have at Sussex Road.

Reading Partners

One of the most important things we do is to teach our children to read and to encourage a lifelong love of books.  This can only happen if children have ample reading opportunities beyond the classroom.  Some of our children need greater opportunities to be heard reading aloud, with an adult who is able to support their reading skills.  We have a team of Reading Partners who come into school to hear children read, allowing them to make the best possible progress across the whole curriculum.  If you could commit to volunteering 30 minutes, or maybe more, each week, we would love to hear from you.  Mrs Pullin ensures all Reading Partners have the induction and training needed to make a real difference to a child's life chances.  Please contact the School Office if you would like to get involved.

Swimming Walkers

Although just a short walk away, getting our children to their swimming lessons safely is really important.  Usually, so not to impact on English and Mathematics lessons, swimming sessions are in the afternoon.  If you are able to offer your time to walk with a class to Tonbridge Swimming Pool, please do get in touch with us.  It's a pleasant walk past the station and then through the park, with the opportunity for a cuppa whilst the children are swimming!

School Trips

School trips are usually very popular with parents wanting to join in.  We are always very grateful for this as the day is usually pretty exhausting!  When planning trips, teachers think carefully about how many adults are required to make the outing safe.  Without parents supporting us, we would not be able to give our children the wide range of experiences that they have.  When information about trips is sent to parents, there is usually an invitation for parents to sign up - via the Arbor App - if they would like to accompany the class.  Often there is more interest than available places so we cannot always take everybody.  In this situation, teachers will approach parents who have given time to the school in other ways (or on the less exciting trips!), as a way of expressing our appreciation.

Get in touch

Sussex Road Community Primary School
Sussex Road, Tonbridge, Kent, TN9 2TP

01732 352367